Diverse data formats and ontologies of task-oriented dialogue (TOD) datasets hinder us from developing general dialogue models that perform well on many datasets and studying knowledge transfer between datasets. To address this issue, we present ConvLab-3, a flexible dialogue system toolkit based on a unified TOD data format. In ConvLab-3, different datasets are transformed into one unified format and loaded by models in the same way. As a result, the cost of adapting a new model or dataset is significantly reduced. Compared to the previous releases of ConvLab (Lee et al., 2019b; Zhu et al., 2020b), ConvLab-3 allows developing dialogue systems with much more datasets and enhances the utility of the reinforcement learning (RL) toolkit for dialogue policies. To showcase the use of ConvLab-3 and inspire future work, we present a comprehensive study with various settings. We show the benefit of pre-training on other datasets for few-shot fine-tuning and RL, and encourage evaluating policy with diverse user simulators.
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本文介绍了Z-Code ++,这是一种针对抽象文本摘要优化的新的预训练的语言模型。该模型使用三种技术扩展了艺术编码器模型的状态。首先,我们使用两阶段的预训练过程来改善模型在低资源摘要任务上的性能。该模型首先是使用文本语料库进行语言理解的预先培训的,然后在汇总语料库中不断预先培训,以进行基础文本生成。其次,我们用分离的注意力层代替编码器中的自我发项层,其中每个单词都使用两个向量分别代表其内容和位置。第三,我们使用融合编码器,这是一种以层次方式编码长序列的简单而有效的方法。 Z-Code ++在13个文本摘要任务中的9个跨5种语言中创建了新的艺术状态。我们的模型的参数有效,因为它的表现优于XSUM上600倍较大的Palm-540b,并且在Samsum上的易经的200倍GPT3-175B较大。在零射击和少量设置中,我们的模型大大优于竞争模型。
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Vision-Language Transformers can be learned without human labels (e.g. class labels, bounding boxes, etc). Existing work, whether explicitly utilizing bounding boxes or patches, assumes that the visual backbone must first be trained on ImageNet class prediction before being integrated into a multimodal linguistic pipeline. We show that this is not necessary and introduce a new model Vision-Language from Captions (VLC) built on top of Masked Auto-Encoders that does not require this supervision. In fact, in a head-to-head comparison between ViLT, the current state-of-the-art patch-based vision-language transformer which is pretrained with supervised object classification, and our model, VLC, we find that our approach 1. outperforms ViLT on standard benchmarks, 2. provides more interpretable and intuitive patch visualizations, and 3. is competitive with many larger models that utilize ROIs trained on annotated bounding-boxes.
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最近与大型变压器的主要工作的主要重点是优化包装到模型参数中的信息量。在这项工作中,我们问了一个不同的问题:多峰变压器可以在他们推理中利用明确的知识吗?现有,主要是单峰,方法在知识检索范例下探讨了方法,随后回答预测,但留下了关于所使用的检索知识的质量和相关性的开放性问题,以及如何集成隐含和明确知识的推理过程。为了解决这些挑战,我们提出了一种新颖的模型 - 知识增强变压器(KAT) - 在OK-VQA的开放式多模式任务上实现了强大的最先进的结果(+6分)。我们的方法在结束到终端编码器 - 解码器架构中集成了隐式和显式知识,同时在答案生成期间仍然共同推理了两个知识源。在我们分析中提高了模型预测的可解释性,可以看到明确知识集成的额外好处。
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今天的大部分AI系统都专注于使用自我关注机制和变压器架构在大量多样化的数据中实现令人印象深刻的性能收益。在本文中,我们建议使用外部注意机制增强变压器架构,以带来外部知识和背景。通过将外部信息集成到预测过程中,我们希望减少对更大的模型的需求,并增加AI系统的民主化。我们发现所提出的外部注意机制可以显着提高现有AI系统的性能,使从业者可以轻松地将基础AI模型自定义到许多不同的下游应用程序。特别是,我们专注于勤杂朗语推理的任务,展示所提出的外部注意机制可以增加现有的变压器模型,并显着提高模型的推理能力。拟议的系统,知识外部关注推理(Kear),达到了开放的铜商QA研究基准的人类奇偶校验,其准确性为89.4 \%,与人类准确性为88.9 \%。
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自动视觉解对我们多样化和开放的世界需要计算机视觉模型,以概括为特定任务的最小定制,类似于人类视力。计算机视觉基础型号培训,培训多样化,大型数据集,可以适应各种下游任务,对该任务来解决现实世界计算机视觉应用而言至关重要。虽然现有的视觉基础模型如剪辑,对齐和吴道2.0主要集中在映射图像和文本表示到跨模型共享表示,我们介绍了一台新的计算机视觉基础模型,佛罗伦萨,扩大粗糙的表示(现场)到精细(对象),从静态(图像)到动态(视频),以及从RGB到多个模态(标题,深度)。通过从Web级图像文本数据中纳入通用视觉语言表示,我们的佛罗伦萨模型可以很容易地适应各种计算机视觉任务,例如分类,检索,对象检测,VQA,图像标题,视频检索和动作识别。此外,佛罗伦萨在许多类型的转移学习中表现出出色的表现:全面采样的微调,线性探测,几次射击传输和用于新颖图像和物体的零拍摄传输。所有这些属性对于我们的视觉基础模型至关重要,以提供通用视觉任务。佛罗伦萨实现了新的最先进的导致44个代表性基准,例如Imagenet-1K零射击分类,最高1精度为83.74,最高5个精度为97.18,62.4地图上的Coco微调, 80.36在VQA上,动力学-600上的87.8。
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Practical applications employing deep learning must guarantee inference quality. However, we found that the inference quality of state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice in practical applications has a long tail distribution. In the real world, many tasks have strict requirements for the quality of deep learning inference, such as safety-critical and mission-critical tasks. The fluctuation of inference quality seriously affects its practical applications, and the quality at the tail may lead to severe consequences. State-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice with outstanding inference quality designed and trained under loose constraints still have poor inference quality under constraints with practical application significance. On the one hand, the neural network models must be deployed on complex systems with limited resources. On the other hand, safety-critical and mission-critical tasks need to meet more metric constraints while ensuring high inference quality. We coin a new term, ``tail quality,'' to characterize this essential requirement and challenge. We also propose a new metric, ``X-Critical-Quality,'' to measure the inference quality under certain constraints. This article reveals factors contributing to the failure of using state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice algorithms and systems in real scenarios. Therefore, we call for establishing innovative methodologies and tools to tackle this enormous challenge.
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We present X-Decoder, a generalized decoding model that can predict pixel-level segmentation and language tokens seamlessly. X-Decodert takes as input two types of queries: (i) generic non-semantic queries and (ii) semantic queries induced from text inputs, to decode different pixel-level and token-level outputs in the same semantic space. With such a novel design, X-Decoder is the first work that provides a unified way to support all types of image segmentation and a variety of vision-language (VL) tasks. Further, our design enables seamless interactions across tasks at different granularities and brings mutual benefits by learning a common and rich pixel-level visual-semantic understanding space, without any pseudo-labeling. After pretraining on a mixed set of a limited amount of segmentation data and millions of image-text pairs, X-Decoder exhibits strong transferability to a wide range of downstream tasks in both zero-shot and finetuning settings. Notably, it achieves (1) state-of-the-art results on open-vocabulary segmentation and referring segmentation on eight datasets; (2) better or competitive finetuned performance to other generalist and specialist models on segmentation and VL tasks; and (3) flexibility for efficient finetuning and novel task composition (e.g., referring captioning and image editing). Code, demo, video, and visualization are available at https://x-decoder-vl.github.io.
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Inductive reasoning is a core component of human intelligence. In the past research of inductive reasoning within computer science, logic language is used as representations of knowledge (facts and rules, more specifically). However, logic language can cause systematic problems for inductive reasoning such as disability of handling raw input such as natural language, sensitiveness to mislabeled data, and incapacity to handle ambiguous input. To this end, we propose a new task, which is to induce natural language rules from natural language facts, and create a dataset termed DEER containing 1.2k rule-fact pairs for the task, where rules and facts are written in natural language. New automatic metrics are also proposed and analysed for the evaluation of this task. With DEER, we investigate a modern approach for inductive reasoning where we use natural language as representation for knowledge instead of logic language and use pretrained language models as ''reasoners''. Moreover, we provide the first and comprehensive analysis of how well pretrained language models can induce natural language rules from natural language facts. We also propose a new framework drawing insights from philosophy literature for this task, which we show in the experiment section that surpasses baselines in both automatic and human evaluations.
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